lundi 15 juin 2009

Consciousness turns energy into matter

A very interesting phenomenon has been observed in quantum experiments. An electron can manifest as either a particle or a wave, but only when it is being observed it will behave as a particle. Experimental findings have shown that when an electron is not being observed, it is always a wave. In other words, without consciousness, and the act of observation, things only exist in an undefined state of probability, as a field of unified energy. We are in the realm of potentiality, while physical reality is defined by the observation. Another fascinating finding of quantum theories is the non-locality of particles at the quantum level. Every point in space is equal to all other points in space. Everything is infinitely interconnected to everything else. Separateness and solidity are not our ultimate reality, but an illusion that we experience at the physical level of existence. How is our reality created, and why do we perceive it as solid and separate?

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