jeudi 20 janvier 2011

What is Kosen Rufu ?

Kosen Rufu means that you chant Nam Myo Ho Renge Kyo with the belief that you yourself are the Buddha and to teach other people to chant to realize that they are also the Buddha.and to refute slander when we encounter it .Literally we are chanting the affirmation that I am a Buddha and you are too and to challenge slander whenever we encounter it..This a definition of Kosen Rufu that you may not have heard before. It is common for Kosen Rufu to be defined as the establishment of peace , culture and education . Kosen Rufu means to take up the teaching that we each have buddhahood and to refute slander when we see it.This is a righteous struggle to transform our reality .This struggle is not easy ; it is a pitched battle and one in which we face overwhelming odds on every side except the human heart. When we allow our true selves to speak we are able to penetrate all barriers and communicate directly with peoples hearts. Nothing can stop our prayer. In many ways it’s easier to chant just for ourselves and we may feel that teaching others may be a bit embarrassing and could be seen as pushy and as for challenging slander that’s probably asking a bit much.We are under the constant bombardment of slander , gossip , rumours opinions based false information , malicious comments , personal attacks. If you listen to the news it seems that the world is going to the dogs with everybody blaming each other.
Chanting for ourselves is easy but teaching others to chant is something many of us find extremely difficult. So why is this ? Perhaps when we talk to people about something we hold very dear to us we expect them to validate our belief excerpt from Jason Jarrett's website

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