10 Good Reasons to Chant Nam-myoho-renge-kyo
reason 1---Use the Ultimate Law of the Universe for Your Real Happiness (a.k.a., Enlightenment or Buddhahood).
Get Rid of Bad Karma and Build Good Karma. Change Defeat into Victory; Loss into Gain; Poison into Medicine.
reason-3 --- Overcome Your Fears, Painful Memories and Phobias.
Understand Your Life Condition With an Enlightened Mind.
Relate to People in Your Environment on the Highest Level.
Control the Lower Four Worlds of Hell, Hunger, Dominant/Submissive Attitudes and Anger.
Find and Keep Actual Love.
Understand and Get What You Really Need for Your Happiness. (What Do I want out of life?)
Increase the Span of Your Life; Overcome the Sufferings of Birth, Old Age, Sickness, Death and Re-birth.
Get Stuff You May Want, Including Freedom, Wealth, Love, Friends, Work Satisfaction and Joy By Buddhafying Yourself
samedi 24 juillet 2010
jeudi 8 juillet 2010
"the Buddhist solution is always the same—awaken yourself and live in harmony with others. In our time, especially, that means learning how to live in harmony with the biosphere. Our economic system has to be ecologically sustainable, and it has to work to the mutual benefit of everyone, rather than to just a small percentage of the Earth’s population."
David Loy is Besl Professor of Ethics/Religion and Society at Xavier University in Cincinnati. His work is primarily in comparative philosophy and religion, particularly comparing Buddhist with modern Western thought. His many books include The Great Awakening: A Buddhist Social Theory, and Money, Sex, War, Karma: Notes for a Buddhist Revolution. A Zen practitioner for many years, he is qualified as a teacher in the Sanbo Kyodan tradition of Japanese Buddhism.
lundi 5 juillet 2010
Daily Encouragement by Daisaku Ikeda,
I place a high value on personal initiative. Spontaneity underlies the spirit of autonomy and independence; conversely, taking action because one is told to amounts to slavery of the spirit. Kosen-rufu will be advanced by brave people armed with the spirit of independence who voluntarily strive to fulfill the vow they made in the remotest past. Because they struggle of their own volition, they have no complaints or grievances. The greater the obstacles they face, the greater the courage, wisdom and power they muster from within.
I place a high value on personal initiative. Spontaneity underlies the spirit of autonomy and independence; conversely, taking action because one is told to amounts to slavery of the spirit. Kosen-rufu will be advanced by brave people armed with the spirit of independence who voluntarily strive to fulfill the vow they made in the remotest past. Because they struggle of their own volition, they have no complaints or grievances. The greater the obstacles they face, the greater the courage, wisdom and power they muster from within.
dimanche 4 juillet 2010
vendredi 2 juillet 2010
jeudi 1 juillet 2010
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