mardi 25 mai 2010

" La vie la plus profonde est celle dédiée a poursuivre l'idéal que l'on partage evec son mentor "

lundi 24 mai 2010

"No victor believes in chance. " Friedrich Nietzsche

jeudi 20 mai 2010

Daily Encouragement by Daisaku Ikeda, Thursday, May 20, 2010
We mustn't be afraid of anything. It is important to remain firm to our convictions. There is a great deal of scheming and duplicity in the world. It is foolish to allow ourselves to be swayed by such things; it only leads to unhappiness. The Mystic Law and Nichiren Daishonin are absolutely free of any falsehood. Therefore, to dedicate our lives to kosen-rufu is to lead the wisest possible existence.

mardi 18 mai 2010

When the mind is somber, broad daylight gives birth to demons and evil spirits. When the mind is clear, a dark room has its blue sky. That which is self-concious and ulterior is far from the Truth. That which is Mindless, is near.” – Taoist poem.

jeudi 13 mai 2010

Sensei Toda quote

"The confusion of knowledge for wisdom is one of the great misfortunes of our times. ... Knowledge and wisdom are not the same thing. While knowledge may be a door that opens the path to wisdom, it is not, in itself, wisdom."

mardi 11 mai 2010

Chant for specific things.

lundi 10 mai 2010

Sensei Quote .

When we find ourselves facing adversity, we may think we've reached our limit, but actually the more trying the circumstances the closer we are to making a breakthrough. The darker the night, the nearer the dawn. Victory in life is decided by that last concentrated burst of energy filled with the resolve to win.

jeudi 6 mai 2010

President Ikeda receives Honorary Doctorate

President Ikeda receives Honorary Doctorate from University Laval in Quebec City. This is the first time President Ikeda has received such an honor from a Canadian University. Much effort went into this wonderful victory for the SGI , not only of Quebec , but the entire world.The Doctorate recognises his outstanding work for peace and education. We are all so happy for sensei and for the SGI  members all over  the world.

mercredi 5 mai 2010

Les trois présidents fondateurs de la Soka Gakkai, Tsunesaburo Makiguchi , Josei Toda et Daisaku Ikeda ( actuel président de la Soka Gakkai ) ont realise un exploit unique dans i'histoire du Bouddhisme ; en moins de 80 ans , ils ont créé un mouvement mondial réunissant des personnes d'antécédents et de milieux différents. Transcendants les différences nationales , ethniques et culturelles , ils ont donné au monde moderne l'accès au message profond de Nichiren Daishonin et de Sutra du Lotus.