The Practice of Gongyo
The Japanese word "Gongyo" literally means "assiduous practice." Generally speaking it means to recite Buddhist sutras in front of an object of worship. In the practice of Nichiren Buddhism it means reciting Nam-myoho-renge-kyo, and part of the second chapter "Hoben" and the entire sixteenth "Juryo" chapter of the Lotus Sutra in front of the Gohonzon. This is the fundamental practice of Nichiren Buddhism, which is performed morning and evening.
The Liturgy of Nichiren Daishonin
The portions of the Hoben (2nd) and Juryo (16th) Chapters of the Lotus Sutra recited in the practice of Gongyo. PDF or Html Version.
See also the literal translations of these sections.
The Meaning of Gongyo
The eternal life of the Buddha, which is itself the Law, is embodied in the Gohonzon. When we recite the Hoben (2nd) and Juryo (16th) Chapters of the Lotus Sutra and chant daimoku, the Buddha's life-state is realized from within our own being, leading us also to eternal Buddhahood.
The Origins of Gongyo
While Nichiren Daishonin emphasized the importance of daily reciting the "Hoben" and "Juryo" chapters, he never mentioned a specific format. Over the centuries, the format of Gongyo has changed several times. This describes those changes from the Daishonin's day to the present, to the extent that they are known.
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